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John Wayne's The Cowboys 50th Anniversary Full Panel
John Wayne's The Cowboys 50th Anniversary - Part 2
'Cowboys Together again'. Cast/Director reunion of Mark Rydell's 'The Cowboys' (1971)
Exclusive! John Wayne’s THE COWBOYS! 50th Anniversary with A Martinez & Robert Carradine! Interviews
The Cowboys - Finish The Job
THE COWBOYS! Bruce Dern Terrified Us! Beauvy! Carradine! Martinez! Benedict! Kelly! Barker! Hudis!
The Cowboys (1972) Cast Then and Now in 2023
John Wayne's THE COWBOYS Cast Reunion continues! On-Location Memories! Bruce Dern! Kelly! Benedict!
The Cowboys (1972) Revisited over 50 Years Later!
John Wayne Makes a Surprise Walk-On Appearance | Carson Tonight Show
The Cowboys - Revenge
Rewind: Actors on working with John Wayne